Savvy Vending is a Duluth based, independently operated vending and coffee supply company. We service your machine as needed and access resources from other industry experts such as nutritionists, service technicians, technical support and social media where we share what is popular and not with other operators. Don't compromise with any vending solution that doesn't offer you the best in nutritional products and cutting-edge technology.

A Little About Healthy Eating
Good nutrition, physical activity and a healthy body weight can decrease a person’s risk of developing serious health conditions (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc.) and help a person manage existing health conditions so they do not worsen over time. Approximately 1 in 3 adults and 1 in 6 children are currently obese and those numbers are predicted to rise. Empty calories from added sugars and solid fats contribute to 40% of daily calories for children and adolescents. Approximately half of these empty calories come from soda, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, grain desserts, pizza and whole milk.
By installing Savvy Vending machines, you have committed to offer healthier, more nutritious options to people in your community! You can help change people’s thinking about vending machines – instead of places to grab a quick, unhealthy, calorie dense snack, they can now use them to grab a substantial snack that will keep them full and healthy! And, they are tasty!
Let us place a healthy vending machine in your location today. We will help market healthy products to improve your populations health.
Click Here to E-Mail Us To See If You Qualify For A Healthy Vending Machine For Your Location. Or Call 678.313.2346
How We Differentiate Ourselves
Our machines come installed with an AirVend AV-5. This device allows us to remotely monitor the inventory, produce nutritional labels on any product in stock and process all forms of payment including coin, cash, debit and credit cards as well as mobile pay such as Apple Pay and Google Wallet. It also comes with an internet-based coupon code reimbursement system for failed vends and expired products.
• Our machines are customized for each location to maximize product stock which reduces low inventory.
• We focus on healthier product choices.
We pride ourselves on providing a "top of the line" experience so with our machines, your vending offering will become silent as we will virtually eliminate complaints. Upgrade your vending offering today!

Click here to learn more about nutrition terminology Nutrition Terminology
Smart Snacks in Schools
USDA recently published practical, science-based nutrition standards for snack foods and beverages sold to children at school during the school day. The standards, required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, will allow schools to offer healthier snack foods to children, while limiting junk food. The health of today’s school environment continues to improve. Students across the country are now offered healthier school lunches with more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The Smart Snacks in School standards will build on those healthy advancements and ensure that kids are only offered tasty and nutritious foods during the school day. Smart Snacks in School also support efforts by school food service staff, school administrators, teachers, parents and the school community, all working hard to instill healthy habits in students.

Healthy Vending Choices
Savvy Vending is part of an effort to revolutionize the vending industry. We combine the highest quality machines and equipment with industry leading technology to provide healthy choices to locations in need of vending. Let us help you convert your "junk food" machines to healthy alternatives that will help your audience live healthier lives.
USDA's "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards

Healthy Snacking and Weight Control
Avoiding extreme hunger increases the likelihood that you'll pick the healthy snack rather than raiding the doughnut box in the break room or overeating at meals.
Megan Mullin, a nutritionist at Canyon Ranch SpaClub in Las Vegas, recommends that her clients eat small meals every three to five hours and that they resist the urge to overeat.
What Does Healthy Vending Mean?
Well, according to Michelle Obama's Smart Snacks in Schools legislation, nutrition
standards for foods must meet the following guidelines:
- Be a “whole grain-rich” grain product; or
- Have as the first ingredient a fruit, a vegetable, a dairy product, or a protein food; or
- Be a combination food that contains at least ¼ cup of fruit and/or vegetable; or
- Contain 10% of the Daily Value (DV) of one of the nutrients of public health concern in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (calcium, potassium, vitamin D, or dietary fiber).*
Foods must also meet several nutrient requirements:
- Calorie limits:
- Snack items: ≤ 200 calories
- Entrée items: ≤ 350 calories
- Sodium limits:
- Snack items: ≤ 230 mg**
- Entrée items: ≤ 480 mg
- Fat limits:
- Total fat: ≤35% of calories
- Saturated fat: < 10% of calories
- Trans fat: zero grams
- Sugar limit:
- ≤ 35% of weight from total sugars in foods

Nutrition Terminology
Calories: The number of calories listed on a food label tells you how many calories are in one serving. It’s important to remember that even small packages often contain more than one serving.
Carbohydrate:A sugar or starch such as pasta, bread, fruits vegetables, beans, or dairy that the body uses as its main energy source. Carbohydrates have 4 calories a gram.
Cholesterol: Vital for building hormones and cell membranes. Your body makes most of the cholesterol it needs. Cholesterol is listed under the fat information on a nutrition label. Most people should consume less than 300 mg of cholesterol daily.
Daily value:This shows the percentage of a certain nutrient in a food, based on a 2,000- calorie diet. The daily value gives you an idea of a food's nutrient contribution to your diet; 5% or less is considered low for that nutrient, 10% to 19% is good, and 20% or more is high.
Dietary fiber:The part of plant foods that we cannot digest. Whole grains, and fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds contain fiber. Fiber helps fill you up, and you need at least 25 to 38 grams daily. To be considered high in fiber, a food must contain least 5 grams per serving.
Enriched: Enriched foods have nutrients added to them to replace those lost during food processing. B vitamins, for example, are lost when wheat is processed into white flour, so these nutrients are later added back.
Fortified: Fortified foods have nutrients added to them that weren’t there originally. Milk, for example, is fortified with vitamin D, a nutrient that helps you absorb milk’s calcium.
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS): A sweetener that is often used instead of sugar in food manufacturing.
Hydrogenated: Hydrogenation turns a liquid fat such as vegetable oil into a semi-solid, more shelf- stable fat, such as margarine. Most oils are only partially hydrogenated, which creates harmful Trans-fats that can raise cholesterol.
Lecithin: Added to chocolates, baking products, and cosmetics, lecithin is used as a thinner, a preservative, or an emulsifier. Egg yolks, soy beans, fish, and other foods naturally contain lecithin.
Modified food starch: Extracted from corn, potato, wheat, and other starches, modified food starch is used as a thickener, stabilizer, or fat replacer in foods like dessert mixes, dressings, and confections.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG): Used as a flavor enhancer, MSG is like salt. Though some people may have a mild reaction after consuming MSG, the FDA recognizes MSG as “generally safe” when “eaten at customary levels.”
Monounsaturated fat:A healthy fat found in foods such as nuts, olive oil, and avocados. When used to replace saturated fats, a diet high in monounsaturated fats can help lower bad cholesterol. Most of the fat in your diet should be mono- and polyunsaturated. All fats have 9 calories per gram.
Monounsaturated fat:A healthy fat found in foods such as nuts, olive oil, and avocados. When used to replace saturated fats, a diet high in monounsaturated fats can help lower bad cholesterol. Most of the fat in your diet should be mono- and polyunsaturated. All fats have 9 calories per gram.
Organic: Organic refers to the way agricultural products—food and fiber—are grown and processed. Organic food production is based on a system of farming that maintains and replenishes soil fertility without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers. Organic foods are minimally processed without artificial ingredients, preservatives, or irradiation to maintain the integrity of the food.
Partially hydrogenated: See hydrogenated.
Polyunsaturated fat: A fat found in foods such as walnuts, salmon, and, soybean oil. Polyunsaturated fats provide essential fatty acids such as omega-3s and omega-6s to your diet. Most of the fat you eat should be mono- and polyunsaturated.
Potassium:Essential for life, potassium helps maintain normal blood pressure and keeps your heart and kidneys working normally. Potassium is found in bananas, nuts, potatoes, dairy, and other foods. Adults should aim for 4,700 milligrams of potassium daily.
Saturated fat:Usually solid at room temperature, saturated fats are found in meat and milk, as well as in coconut and palm oil. Saturated fat is often used in foods to prevent rancidity and off flavors. No more than 10% of your total daily calories should come from saturated fat.
Serving size:This section of a nutrition label helps you determine the number of calories and amount of each nutrient in a recommended serving of a food. USDA serving sizes are often smaller than you might eat. So read labels carefully. Even small packages often contain more than one serving.
Sodium:While sodium (commonly called salt) is vital for healthy nerves and muscles, most of us get too much salt in our diet, often from processed foods.
Sugars:This section of the nutrition label refers to added sugars such as sucrose, glucose, fructose, and corn and maple syrups. It also includes natural sugars such as lactose in milk. If you are concerned about your intake of sugar, be sure added sugars are not one of the first few items in a food’s ingredients list.
Total calories:This number on a food label indicates how many calories are in a single serving of a food.